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Is Your SAP Commerce Cloud Solution Unleashing Its Full Potential?

How is your SAP Commerce solution performing? Understanding the performance of your e-commerce platform is crucial for optimizing online presence and boosting revenue. It directly influences business outcomes - including customer satisfaction, conversion rates, revenue, productivity, efficiency, and competitive edge.

Research* shows that you can achieve a 14% revenue lift due to personalization, a 25% increase in digital conversion rate, and a 20% increase in customer retention

by improving customer experience. How to unleash the full potential of your SAP Commerce Cloud then? Here are some general  recommendations:

  • Personalized catalog and recommendations 
  • Bundling, configuration, and subscriptions 
  • Bulk orders and re-ordering 
  • Customer registration and profiling with CDC/CDP
  • Optimize search and navigation 
  • Personalize pricing and promotions 
  • Streamline checkout and customer support

These above-mentioned points serve as general recommendations to optimize your SAP Commerce Cloud solution. However, every business has its unique requirements and challenges. That's why, at Langia IT Solutions, we have a team of SAP Commerce experts who can assess your specific solution and provide customized optimization suggestions. Our experienced professionals will thoroughly analyze your e-commerce platform, taking into account your business goals and objectives. We understand that unlocking the full potential of your SAP Commerce Cloud solution requires tailored strategies and fine-tuning. We are delighted to offer our expertise and assist you in optimizing your e-commerce performance. Feel free to reach out to us!

*“The Total Economic Impact of SAP Commerce Cloud and SAP Customer Data Cloud”, Forrester, 2021, and SAP Value Lifecycle Manager – based on customer data and industry benchmarking

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